Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Hurricane Stuff - Part 7


If you people haven't learned anything yet, it's that you should always, always beat the trends. You know what the trend is now...

I just came back from filling up Luisa's van. Price/gallon: $2.609

Odds it'll stay there this time Sunday: 500-1

Yes, I'll give someone 500-1 odds that the gas in the Columbia area will NOT be cheaper than $2.599 at the cheapest station. And that's considering the cheapest gas is at $2.569 right now. So I'm even giving you 3 cents.

The question is, what is the line on gas this time Saturday? Considering nationwide prices rose about $.50 when Katrina hit. (Go here, select USA Average). Considering already there's about a 10-25% supply shortage from Katrina, I say that the average gas goes up NATIONWIDE another $.75

Bottom line: Take whatever price you see and add another $.75.

So the over/under for the cheapest Columbia area gas this time Sunday: $3.319 And that's around here. If you're reading this in Texas/Oklahoma/New Mexico... you're screwed. Get your gas now.

So you should get your gas ASAP. While it's tempting to wait and see what happens, gas stations won't.

Just read this article. Then go get gas. Or go get gas, then read this article. Then tell your friends. But keep it quiet. Or at least beat the rush.

Hmmm, maybe I'll take the over on that prediction.

And maybe I'll just stay in and watch the Braves game on TV. :-/