Saturday, November 20, 2004 | Italy's chaotic politics | Italy's chaotic politics

There aren't too many similarities between Italy and the United States, at least politically. Let this serve as a warning to anyone who tells you that (insert political party here) needs to be more inclusive. I think the great aspect of the two party system is that it internalizes identity politics. If the United States was like Italy, then there would be one party for the South, one for the West Coast, one for the Midwest, etc. Heck, there could also be identity parties, like the Greens or a party for blacks. That would make running the country that much more harder and would end up with each member of the governing coalition being in essance bribed to govern. At least with this system, you know what to expect with each party and there doesn't have to be any "bribes" to create a government.

I don't care what any of those whack-job liberals say, the US still has the best government in the world, even with all its minor flaws.