50 Babies a Year are alive after abortion
50 Babies a Year are alive after abortion
Sweet merciful crap. And that's not even the kicker. Apparently, there's a two year old mentioned in the article who was born after THREE attempted abortions. Needless to say, he's not in very good condition.
But if there's 50 screwed up abortions in the UK (and very much possibly more), then I wonder what the statistics are here in the US. But the pro-death lobby (which includes pro-abortion and assisted suicide), would never allow something like that to happen. It would be WAY too much ammunition for their opponents to feast on.
This is one very major reason why I'm conservative rather than libertarian. A libertarian will tell you that what a woman does with her body is her business and not the governments. However, a fetus is perhaps the weakest member of society and the most in need of protection. Perhaps one of the reasons government exists is to protect the weakest members of society from harm. That's why police exists. Hell, that's the major reason people came up with law in the first place.
Still, I shudder at the thought of how many children have to deal with this. However, on the cynical side, at least that's why partial-birth abortion exists. Doctors can damn well make sure that no malformed baby actually makes it out of the womb.
(Link courtesy of The Corner)
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