Why Make Health Insurance Difficult?
Right Plan, Wrong State
I'm not sure what the right policy for health insurance is, but making things more complicated isn't one of them. My, admittedly not-so-well thought out plan is simple.
Make everyone buy health insurance. It's no different for using a car, so why should it be any different for using health services.
Yes, yes. I know there are big time difference between a person's health and their ability to drive around. Still, wouldn't that at least solve the problem of having however many millions of people uninsured. Of course, then there would be another problem for government busybodies to worry about, that health care is too expensive. But one problem at a time.
Simply put, if you want to use a government funded hospital, then you have to have medical insurance. No ifs, ands, or buts. There would be minimum coverage requirements, just like with auto insurance. But other than that, have at it. You could have Geico offer health insurance. (In 15 minutes, you can save 10% on your health insurance). What's wrong with that?
I'm sure there's lots of things, but still nobody makes this suggestion in order for it to be shot down. I've heard one politician in Massachussets make this proposal, but I haven't heard anything of it since.
There could be loopholes created, but why wouldn't this work. It's simple and it would cut down on the freeloading that occurs under emergency care.
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