Thursday, October 27, 2005

Air America

While driving today, I got bored with the music on my XM radio, so I switch over to listening to some political stuff. First Laura Ingraham, then Air America.

Before going on about the obvious news of the day, I'd like to mention why Air America is doing so poorly as a start up.

Their radio personalities are horrible.

The woman I listened to at 3 PM was hysterical. And not in the haha funny that Al Franken was trying to come up with. Instead, it was almost like something that a conservative would try to parody. The woman, Randi Rhodes, thought that the announcement of Harriet Miers' withdrawal was a conspiracy to distract from the pressing issue of the pending indictments of Cheney, Rove, etc. Of course, that would be the case if in fact there were actual indictments announced. But they weren't. But according to Randi, the announcement must've been made today so that everyone wouldn't talk about the indictments. But that's alright. Who doesn't love the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy®©™?

The other problem was that the big beef with Air America was that they spent a solid hour talking about Iraq. Even with the news being about the Supreme Court, they can't stop talking about Iraq. Everything comes back to Iraq for the left in America. Which is fine with me. It distracts them from coming up with ways to screw up this country. Which is then left to the Republicans. Exhibits 1 and 2: Arlen Spector and Ted Stevens.

Oh yeah. Ted wants to introduce a $3 billion dollar subsidy for digital television converter boxes. And somehow these two are the chairs of the Senate Judiciary and Appropriations committees. Fantastic.

But I do like the fact that I live in a state where both Senators actually fight against pork and stand up for doing something good with tax monies. Here's the actual transcript from the Senate where you can see where both Senators DeMint and Graham vote for amendments to this year's transportation appropriations bill that would limit the amount of pork that goes to Alaska, and actually help Louisiana rebuild.

Of course, these amendments were soundly defeated, as pork lives on.

So we'll see how things turn out with Harriet Miers and spending and such. But I'd have to say that most of us conservatives are happy with this.