Quasi-Response to Dan
Yeah, #3 was a big mistake on that part. I do agree with libertarians on this one, especially when concerned with the Republican stance of sucking as much money as possible for government uses.
As for #4, education is very much a public good, as far as it's much better for a society to have memebers who can read, write, do simeple math, etc. So I can definitely see where government should provide BASIC education. Of course, beyond that, it should be every family for itself. Like with a college education, or even a HS education. Basically, make K-8 manditory, then allow HS to be whatever you want Parochial, Private, Homeschool, skills based. But there should be no federal funding of college. None at all. So I somewhat agree with you there, but probably not as much as your ideologically pure bretherin would allow.
My bigger point is that the social liberal wing of the libertarians want there to be no discourse of religion or even mentioning religion in the public realm. Tis the season for millions of lawsuits over Christmas displays, menorahs, and Nativity scenes. What comes to mind is the brouhaha over the Ten Commandments in the Alabama Supreme Court. It's easy for me as a Catholic to say that it's not establishing religion over me, but it's still to say that the Ten Commandments set more or less the foundations for what I'd like to call our legal system.
So, I'll answer Dan's 5 questions at a later date, but this will be a good start for now.
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