And They Want Statehood?
Well, the DC council already acts like a shady legislature, but this takes the cake:
Dewey Wins!: Council revotes and passes lease
But the question is whether MLB is going to accept all the codecils that the DC Council has added on. Here's a list:
- To pay start up costs for a new youth baseball academy;
- To give 10,000 free tickets a year to low-income D.C. residents;
- To make community appearances each year;
- To locate the business office for the Nats in D.C.;
- To look for D.C. workers;
- To hold MLB owners meeting in District by 2008;
- To turn over land for development profits;
- To give the District two-thirds of the parking revenue on non-game days;
- To forgo the rent penalty if the stadium is not built on time'
- To issue a letter of credit to assure D.C. secures low-interest rates.
The Nats shouldn't even be getting parking revenues on non-game days, but they're getting a third of it? But it'll be interesting to see if all these proposals go through. Right now, the major hang-up is at capping the costs to the city at $600 million or so. Which is insane and means that building cost will probably be exactly equal to what that limit is. I can guarantee it.
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